TrainSignal VMware Site Recovery Manager 5 視頻教學 英文教學版(DVD一片裝)
VMware Site Recovery Manager (SRM) has been around since 2008. In the
beginning many admins would joke that they
could do the same thing with a few Perl scripts, but with the new features
that SRM 5 has brought to market,
that claim can no longer be made with a straight face. VMware has added:
More Automation
Streamlined Management
Automated Failback
And the New Killer Feature: Host-Based Replication
SRM 5 is a product that is finally fulfilling the promise of Virtualization to
revolutionize your
Disaster Recovery capabilities.
This course will help virtualization administrators learn how to install and
configure a new SRM 5
solution with storage array-based replication and with the new VMware vSphere Replication.
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Install SRM 5
Configure SRM 5 with new vSphere Replication
Configure traditional storage array replication
Setup a low cost virtualization lab for demoing the capabilities of SRM 5
Understand common scenarios where SRM 5 excels
Design a straightforward SRM 5 solution
Conduct planned migrations, failover and reprotect sites after a failover